370 research outputs found

    Numerical resolution of an exact heat conduction model with a delay term

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    In this paper we analyze, from the numerical point of view, a dynamic thermoelastic problem. Here, the so-called exact heat conduction model with a delay term is used to obtain the heat evolution. Thus, the thermomechanical problem is written as a coupled system of partial differential equations, and its variational formulation leads to a system written in terms of the velocity and the temperature fields. An existence and uniqueness result is recalled. Then, fully discrete approximations are introduced by using the classical finite element method to approximate the spatial variable and the implicit Euler scheme to discretize the time derivatives. A priori error estimates are proved, from which the linear convergence of the algorithm could be derived under suitable additional regularity conditions. Finally, a two-dimensional numerical example is solved to show the accuracy of the approximation and the decay of the discrete energy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Partial orderings for hesitant fuzzy sets

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    New partial orderings =o=o, =p=p and =H=H are defined, studied and compared on the set HH of finite subsets of the unit interval with special emphasis on the last one. Since comparing two sets of the same cardinality is a simple issue, the idea for comparing two sets A and B of different cardinalities n and m respectively using =H=H is repeating their elements in order to obtain two series with the same length. If lcm(n,m)lcm(n,m) is the least common multiple of n and m we can repeat every element of A lcm(n,m)/mlcm(n,m)/m times and every element of B lcm(n,m)/nlcm(n,m)/n times to obtain such series and compare them (Definition 2.2). (H,=H)(H,=H) is a bounded partially ordered set but not a lattice. Nevertheless, it will be shown that some interesting subsets of (H,=H)(H,=H) have a lattice structure. Moreover in the set BB of finite bags or multisets (i.e. allowing repetition of objects) of the unit interval a preorder =B=B can be defined in a similar way as =H=H in HH and considering the quotient set View the MathML sourceB¿=B/~ of BB by the equivalence relation ~ defined by A~BA~B when A=BBA=BB and B=BAB=BA, View the MathML source(B¿,=B) is a lattice and (H,=H)(H,=H) can be naturally embedded into it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Programación lineal y entera con OPL para la nueva empresa

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    Se realiza un análisis de la programación lineal como herramienta de resolución de problemas mediante una estructura cercana a la del lenguaje natural, la aplicación de la programación entera que supone la aplicación del mismo esquema de la programación lineal a un conjunto de restricciones formadas por variables enteras. OPL resuelve este tipo de programas restringiendo la tecnología de la programación entera a aquellas variables enteras.Analysis of linear programming as a tool for problem solving through a near natural language structure, application of integer programming that involves the application of the same scheme of linear programming to a set of restrictions consist of integer variables is performed. OPL solves these programs restricting technology to those integer variables entire programming

    Advertising and cancer in the written press (1903-1912)

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    El cáncer es una de las enfermedades más graves de nuestro tiempo debido a su elevada prevalencia, morbilidad y mortalidad, lo que la ha convertido en contenido habitual de la información periodística a lo largo de la historia. En este artículo se pretende analizar cómo fueron los anuncios publicitarios relativos a los productos, establecimientos y servicios que se ofertaban a principios del siglo XX en España, en relación con la enfermedad del cáncer, así como realizar una aproximación a la realidad social, cultural y educativa en el periodo de tiempo estudiado. A partir de la hemeroteca digital de los periódicos ABC y La Vanguardia, se seleccionaron todos los anuncios publicitarios que aparecieron publicados a lo largo del periodo comprendido entre 1903 y 1912. Encontramos un total de 386 anuncios (107 en ABC y 279 en La Vanguardia), publicándose el mayor número de anuncios en el año 1910 para el primero y 1903 para el segundo. El tratamiento proporcionado por ABC y La Vanguardia es bastante diferente en términos numéricos, aunque en los aspectos cualitativos hay niveles de coincidencias importantes, publicándose en ambos medios anuncios idénticos de manera total o parcial. Las informaciones acerca del cáncer publicadas en la prensa pudieron propiciar en la sociedad una visión excesivamente optimista del tratamiento del cáncer, de sus resultados y de su pronóstico, pues se ofertaban tratamientos con propiedades curativas consideradas excelentes y que poseían características milagrosas.Cancer is one of the most serious diseases of our time due to its high prevalence, mor-bidity and mortality, which has made it the usual content of journalistic information throughout history. This article aims to analyze how advertisements related to the products, establishments and services offered at the beginning of the 20th century in Spain, were related to the cancer disease, as well as to make an approximation to the social, cultural and educational reality in the period of time studied. From the digital newspaper archive of the ABC and La Vanguardia newspapers, all the advertisements that appeared published during the period between 1903 and 1912 were selected. We found a total of 386 advertisements (107 on ABC and 279 on La Vanguardia), with the highest number of advertisements published in 1910 for the first and 1903 for the second. The treatment provided by ABC and La Vanguardia is quite different in numerical terms, although in the qualitative aspects there are levels of important coincidences, with identical or partial announcements being published in both media. The information about cancer published in the press could have fostered in society an overly optimistic view of cancer treatment, its results and its prognosis, since treatments with curative properties considered excellent and possessing miraculous characteristics were offered

    La economía vista desde la filosofía

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    Podemos considerar a la ciencia económica como el último reducto de una concepción de la ciencia ya extinta. La economía tal y como hoy la conocemos Proviene de la visión positivista de principios del siglo XX, que quiso crear un modelo de conocimiento que separase lo científico de 1o pseudocientífico. Para ello tuvo lugar una revolución formalista que ponía todo su énfasis en la creación de un tipo de lenguaje que permitiera separar los hechos y las teorías e hipótesis a la vez que, mediante una base empírica completamente objetiva (formada por hechos), hiciese posible su corroboración.We can consider to economic science as the last stronghold of a conception of science now defunct. The economy as we know today comes from the positivist vision from the beginning of the XX century, that wanted to create a model of knowledge that separated scientific and pseudoscientific. This took place a formalist revolution that put all their emphasis on the creation of a type of language that would allow them to separate the facts and theories and hypotheses to the time that, through an empirical basis completely objective (formed by facts), would be made possible its corroboration

    R^2-corrections to Chaotic Inflation

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    Scalar density cosmological perturbations, spectral indices and reheating in a chaotic inflationary universe model, in which a higher derivative term is added, are investigated. This term is supposed to play an important role in the early evolution of the Universe, specifically at times closer to the Planck era.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in MPL

    Numerical analysis of a thermoelastic problem with dual-phase-lag heat conduction

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    In this paper we study, from the numerical point of view, a thermoelastic problem with dual-phase-lag heat conduction. The variational formulation is written as a coupled system of hyperbolic linear variational equations. An existence and uniqueness result is recalled. Then, fully discrete approximations are introduced by using the finite element method and the implicit Euler scheme. A discrete stability result is proved and a priori error estimates are obtained, from which the linear convergence of the algorithm is deduced under suitable additional regularity conditions. Finally, some two-dimensional numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the approximation and the behaviour of the solution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    MINIMAL: Propuesta de diseño de una revista de moda

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    Anexo no publicadoMinimal es una revista trimestral de moda que nace con la intención de dar a conocer el verdadero significado de la misma, ya que en la sociedad actual se ignora todo lo que queda detrás de ella, minimizando así el concepto a la ropa. Tanto la publicación como la memoria de la misma se encuentran disponibles en español